
Theme 1

Advances in management of agriculture, horticulture, plantation and fibre crops and their tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses

Agricultural crop management and cropping system intensification, crop improvement including biotechnological approaches, genetic resource management, abiotic and biotic stresses, management of horticultural, plantation and fibre crops, plant protection measures, recent development including nanotechnology in stress management.

Theme 2

Technological advancement in fisheries, livestock and poultry management

Aquaculture production systems, livestock production system, poultry production system, technological innovations and options; estuarine and marine aquaculture, fish processing and value addition

Theme 3

Natural resource management, forestry and bio-diversity in coastal and marine ecosystem

Natural resources: assessment and degradation, inventory of soil and water in coastal ecosystem, remote sensing and other state of art tools, carbon dynamics and C sequestration in coastal ecosystem, water pollution, farm machinery development, forestry and biodiversity, mangrove dynamics, coral reef dynamics, geo-textiles for restoring degraded coastal land, eco-tourism for livelihood

Theme 4

Climate change and disaster occurrence: impact and risk mitigation strategies

Climate change trends, its impact on agriculture, fisheries, forestry and animal husbandry, disasters in coastal ecosystem and management, forecasting and early warning

Theme 5

Impact of technological advancements, gender issues, market dynamics and new opportunities

Impact of technological advancements on socio-economic dynamics, gender issues, market dynamics, role of institutions, business models on value chain, post-harvest management and emerging opportunities