Call for papers

Participants are requested to submit the Extended Summary not exceeding two pages (A4 size) including illustration and references typed with 1.5 spacing using size 12 Times New Roman font. The last date for online submission of Extended Summary in the Symposium website ( is February 15, 2025. The extended summary must include the title, author(s), keywords, introduction, material and methods, results and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgement and references. All submissions must be written in English language and in Microsoft Word document only. The title should be followed by the name(s) of the author(s) with the name of the presenting author underlined and their affiliations. E-mail address of the corresponding author must be provided for communication. Extended Summary must be submitted as per the template provided in the website. The symposium proceedings containing the extended summary will be published and distributed during the Symposium. Presentation of papers may be in the form of oral or poster and the decision will be communicated on or before February 22, 2025.